Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good series of books

I just finished a series of books from a lady that graduated from BYU. Her name is Stephenie meyer. The books are called the Twilight series. There are four books in the series and I loved them alot. Even though this sounds corny they are about a girl that falls in love with a vampire. I couldnt put the books down. I read all four books in four days. There is also a movie coming out for the first book. It will be out in November. I cant wait!! She has other books also, but I have not read them yet. There is really not very much gore, just some and no sex. Which is good for vampire books. Alot of those are just too icky. I would highly recomend reading these ones. Happy reading!


MEG said...

Hey Lesley! I'm on the third book now! I heard about the movie - and heard the cover picture of Edward described as a "hairy powdered doughnut". I thought that was pretty funny.

Washington Washburns said...

All my friends have read and love them and told me that I need to get reading. I have ordered the first one from the library but there is a waiting list of over 30. There are about 20 books so hopefully I’ll get started on my reading this series that everyone keeps talking about.

Cindy said...

As you cam imagine, they are all the rage in Utah. I still haven't read them, but plan to some time soon. My husband just finished listening to them on tape and even he said that he loved them.

Lesley said...

I will have to find the ones on tape for my mom, so she can "read" them. I didnt want the series to end. I hope that she finishes midnight sun. I love reading it from edward perspective.

These Are The Days said...

Most of my friends LOVE them, I have heard recently from a few people that her last book was a little risque considering she's LDS and they were written for teenagers? Did you feel that way at all? I haven't read them yet, but Stephanie Meyers has made a fortune I'm sure!! Not to mention the $ she's going to make off the movie.

MEG said...

Come on girl! Get to blogging! I want to see your kiddies in their Halloween costumes!!!!!

Lesley said...

I know I have been a slack. I just uploaded all of my pictures from the last month. I have almost 1000 pictures. I think I take way too many. I will update both blogs in the next week.